Building Black Bedstuy Market
We host a weekly marketplace from spring through early fall where up to 20 black and brown owned small businesses gather to sell their products on Sundays. The products range from fashion, wellness, food, decor, and more. It is currently held in front of the Sincerely Tommy lifestyle boutique and coffee shop which is owned by BBB co-founder, Kai Avent-deLeon, on the corner of Tompkins Avenue and Monroe Street in Bed Stuy. The BBB Market is a space in which to celebrate blackness, black entrepreneurship, and an opportunity to create a sense of community amongst black entrepreneurs to share resources and ideas. Keeping the vendor participation fees low and accessible for many, allows black owned businesses of all sizes an opportunity to attend. In addition, the vendor fees collected allow us an additional fundraising arm as the fees are re-populated into our larger fundraiser to support our annual donation recipients. This enables us to create a circular economy with black dollars supporting black business which is a hallmark of creating financial independence in our communities. Since 2020, we have worked with over 300 small businesses through our market events. We have also partnered with The Lay Out on curating spaces for black owned brands for a few select events that they host as part of their BuyBLK. ByBLK. Markets since 2021.